ASSISES conference: New financial schemes for energy transition in territories

marzo 06, 2020

FEDARENE attended the ASSISES conference on energy transition from the 28th to the 30th of January 2020 in Bordeaux, France. On the second day, the FEDARENE team conducted the talk on New financing services for energy transition in territories, where the EU City Facility (EUCF) was presented.

The growing challenges to achieve the energy transition objectives have led to the creation of new financial instruments in Europe, at both national and regional level. The increasing energy consumption in buildings has prompted regions to generate a whole new range of proposals for energy efficiency: from financial support to the renovation of condominiums, from social housing to individual houses, and from self-consuming PV to the creation of projects with citizen participation. This is the case of the Nouvelle Aquitaine among other regions. This project is addressed to small and medium-sized municipalities and provides in-depth support from country experts to train the municipality staff, guide them through the cycle and support the development of the projects.

The European City Facility project is a new financial tool for cities and municipalities that funds the first steps to a financial plan in sustainable energy. A lump sum of 60.000€ can be granted to municipalities to develop an investment concept that meets the ambitious objectives of the Energy-Climate action plans (SEAPs/SECAPs) adopted by the municipalities. This portfolio of investment projects must show a strong engagement of the community, present a training plan for the public administration, as well as the financing tools planned for the implementation of the investment concept. Furthermore, funding for mobilisation can be found, such as the call for projects Certificates of Energy Saving renovation. Different programs such as the one on the renovation of RECIF condominiums in Ile-de-France, Nouvelle Aquitaine and Hauts-de-France offer innovative mobilization tools.

The post ASSISES conference: New financial schemes for energy transition in territories appeared first on Fedarene.

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