Working group on Energy and GHG observatories “Main steps to set up an observatory”
Rhônalpénergie Environnement, regional energy agency of Rhône-Alpes, France, and technical structure of the OREGES (regional Energy and GHG observatory of region Rhône-Alpes), and ARE Liguria, regional energy agency of Liguria, Italy, presented the main steps for setting up an observatory in Genoa in May 2011.
- Key principles of regional energy and GHG observatories (by RAEE)
- Data gathering and legal issues (by RAEE)
- Data processing and results (by ARE Liguria)
- Observation vs policy and contribution of ClimactRegions to regional observation (by RAEE)
Enlace a la noticia: Working group on Energy and GHG observatories “Main steps to set up an observatory”