Call for papers – 2019 World Sustainable Energy Days

julio 19, 2018

Energy efficiency and renewable energy are at the core of Europe’s commitment to a clean energy transition that serves the needs of citizens, economic development, and the environment.

Achieving a smart, socially fair and sustainable energy system requires strong policies, competitive businesses, and technology innovation. Mastering the digital transformation of energy and buildings will be crucial for creating a thriving economy and for the success of the global clean energy transition.

The World Sustainable Energy Days connect people and empower them to embrace the necessary change – according to the motto: Clean. Competitive. Connected.

The annual conference features policies, technologies, innovation and market development through a unique combination of conferences and interactive events. It brings together more than 650 delegates from over 50 countries from business, the research community, and the public sector.

The Wolrd Sustainable Energy Days 2019 offer 7 conferences and interactive events covering technologies, policies, and markets:

European Energy Efficiency Conference

– Energy Efficiency Policy Conference

– Innovation Workshops Energy and Buildings

– Industrial Energy Efficiency Conference

– Smart E-Mobility Conference

– Energy Efficiency Economy Workshop

European Pellet Conference

Young Energy Researchers Conference

Technical Site Visits & Poster Presentation

Tradeshow,  the “Energiesparmesse” is a major energy efficiency and renewable energy tradeshow that attracts more than 100,000 visitors every year


Call for Papers & Speakers – deadline 10 October 2018

You are warmly invited to take an active part in the event through the call for papers and speakers. Share your work with the worldwide sustainable energy community! Submit your paper or propose a speaker (online form).

Deadline for submissions is 10 October 2018. Visit the website for detailed information: Your submissions and contributions are greatly looked forward to being received!

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