Data4Action & ENERGee-Watch Webinar
Considering that the European and International Energy and Climate framework is rapidly changing, it will be proposed at this Data4Action and ENERGee-Watch webinar to listen to the latest developments of the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. You will learn about how several regional observatories extend and diversify their thematics, after which we will brainstorm on the orientation and future development of an Energy and Greenhouse Gas Observatory.
- Presentation of the new Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, by Elodie Bossio, from the CoM Office & FEDARENE
- Presentation of Climate vulnerability analysis at the territorial level, Anne Luminet Rhônalpénergie-Environnement & ORECC
- Presentation of the Energy, GHG and climate Observatory of the Hauts-de-France, Julien Dumont – CERDD
- Open discussion on:
- The integration of new thematic (such as land planning, ..) could be taken in account in the Energy and GHG Observatories
- The need to develop of a Climate “branch” within the Energy and GHG Observatory
When: 5th of October 2016, from 10:00-12:00 (Brussels time)
Enlace a la noticia: Data4Action & ENERGee-Watch Webinar