European projects and initiatives related “Streetlight-EPC

junio 12, 2016

There is a number of current and past European projects and initiatives striving for objectives related to the “Streetlight-EPC” project :

  • EESI2020 – European Energy Service Initiative: EESI 2020 – the European Energy Service Initiative towards the EU 2020 energy saving targets” is a project addressing the EU 20% energy saving objective by a significantly broader use of Energy Performance Contracting (EPC).
  • CITYnvest: CITYnvest focuses on supporting and replicating successful innovative financing models for energy efficiency renovations in public buildings. It features models, based on Energy Performance Contracting (EPC), Third Party Financing (TPF), revolving funds, cooperatives and others.
  • Primes – Green Public Procurement: Across six countries in Europe; Denmark, Sweden, Latvia, Croatia, France and Italy, PRIMES project seeks to help municipalities overcome barriers in GPP processes. The project aim is to develop basic skills and provide hands-on support for public purchasing organizations in order to overcome barriers and implement Green Public Purchasing. This will support a consequent energy and CO2 reduction.
  • EPC PLUS – Energy Performance Contracting Plus: Development of commercial, standardized energy service packages for SMEs in each participant country that suit the specific and particular requirements of their country. These will include a standardized technical solution for a specific market sector, a model contract and, where possible, a financing solution
  • BEenerGi – Sustainable energy for Girona’s municipalities: Girona Provincial Council’s BEenerGi programme provides the necessary technical, legal and financial assistance for municipalities that have signed the Covenant of Mayors. The aim is to mobilise investments to promote energy efficiency in public lighting and in municipal buildings (which includes creating heating networks).
  • Proca – Green Public Procurement in Action: The main objective of ProcA is the promotion of green public procurement (GPP) among public authorities. The project primarily focusses on signatories of the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) addressing GPP in their Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP).
  • BLISS – Better Lighting In Sustainable Streets: BLISS is a European project which was set up to achieve a reduction in street lighting energy consumption. The project participants are St. Helens in the UK, Eindhoven in the Netherlands, Interleuven in Belgium and Kaiserslautern in Germany.



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