Grants for the validation of marine renewable energy technologies

abril 20, 2016

Devices should be tested at the Basque Country’s testing facilities

Ente Vasco de la Energía, the Basque Government’s energy agency, offers financial support for the validation and demonstration of renewable marine energy technologies. The programme accounts a total budget of €2.5 M and is valid for wave energy converters, floating foundations for wind turbines, marine wind turbines and auxiliary equipment.

All aids granted within this aid programme will be considered as non-refundable subsidies.


  • Non-returnable grants
  • Eligibility to apply: private sector companies, consortia, joint-ventures etc.
  • Funding budget; €2.5M
  • Application deadline 31 October 2016 – “first come, first served”

Eligible activities 
Tests at demonstration and/or validation phase of full & near-full scale prototypes

  1. Wave energy converters
  2. Floating foundations for wind turbines
  3. Marine wind turbines
  4. Auxiliary & complementary equipment and components

Summary of conditions

  • Applications subject to letter of acceptance by Basque country test site
  • Max eligible cost for prototype testing €5.0M
  • Max eligible cost for auxiliary & complementary item testing €600,000
  • Max grant for single project €1.25M
  • Aid intensity dependant on size of nature of applicant (e.g. consortium, small enterprise etc.) from 25% to 60%
  • Regulation EU651/2014


More information and general conditions:


Enlace a la noticia: Grants for the validation of marine renewable energy technologies

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