Ilet à Cordes, a new Solar Village in France

enero 16, 2018

The final objective of the Communauté intercommunale des Villes solidaires (CIVIS) project aims:

  • To promote access to renewable energies, particularly, solar thermal energy.
  • To structure a development strategy adapted to the constraints of the villages.
  • To support the local solar thermal sector.
  • To reduce the situations of fuel poverty in households.
  • To erase electrical charges on the network.

The FDEDARENE member, Énergies Réunion SPL, assisted this project in:

  • Implementing project governance.
  • The technical support of the project team.
  • The consultation for the project.
  • Conformity checks of installed water heaters.

Enlace a la noticia: Ilet à Cordes, a new Solar Village in France

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