The European Climate Pact: Empowering Citizens to Shape a Greener Europe

diciembre 16, 2020

On the 16th of December 2021, hundreds of people gathered online for the launch of the European Climate Pact, an EU-wide initiative inviting people, communities and organisations to participate in climate action and build a greener Europe. 

The significance of the initiative was reflected in the diversity among participants, but also in the topics addressed. The event brought together citizens, local and regional energy agencies, municipalities, NGOs, businesses, scientists but also teachers, sports champions, cooking chefs, musicians and young scouts, shedding light on how big and far reaching the support for climate action already is in Europe.  

The topics discussed included energy, food, agriculture, transport and more, showing once again that the EU Green Deal and EU Climate Pact are broad transectoral initiatives aiming to make the European way of life more sustainable in all its forms.

Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of the European Green Deal, and Commissioner for Climate Action Policy, intervened throughout the event. Explaining the rationale behind the initiative, he declared: “The beauty of the Climate Pact is that it appeals to people as citizens and not consumers”. Indeed, the Pact aims to show that everyone’s contribution matters, and to encourage all to share ideas and best practices on climate action.

Mr Timmermans reminded that cities and regions have a key role to play in climate action by sharing experiences and pushing their national governments to be more ambitious. Some representatives of the local and regional level were invited to the event as first #EUClimatePact ambassadors. Among them were several executive members of our network: President Julije Domac (HR); FEDARENE Vice-President for Energy Efficiency Florin Andronescu (RO); and Vice-President for Smart and Sustainable Islands Kostas Komninos (GR). Here below, we have gathered their first thoughts on the new EU Climate Pact initiative.

I personally see the EU Climate Pact as our best response to the climate crisis and our proof of credibility, humanity and solidarity. The members of FEDARENE will seize this opportunity to further support the EU in our common fight for a more sustainable planet, regardless of the challenges. Working hand in hand with citizens, cities and regions, we encourage everyone to join us in this ambitious initiative.

Julije Domac, FEDARENE President

From the Pact of Islands in 2010 to the Climate Pact in 2020, EU islands have been brought to the spotlight as frontrunners for the fight against climate change. With this new initiative, EU islands aim to make a transition to smart, green, clean and blue islands and spread the knowledge but also learn from others.

Kostas Komninos, FEDARENE Vice-President for Smart and Sustainable Islands

The launch of European Climate Pact is a new relevant initiative which demonstrates the will of the European Commission to make its climate action more significant by involving everyone – from citizens to communities and organisations. I am honoured to take part as EU Climate Pact Ambassador in this inclusive effort to encourage people across Europe to get involved in the green transition for tackling climate change.

Florin Andronescu, FEDARENE Vice-President for Energy Efficiency

Join the initiative

You too, you can join the EU Climate Pact by:

More information

Check the official Commission Communication and the press release on the European Climate Pact published last week for more information on the Pact’s objectives and planned activities.

The post The European Climate Pact: Empowering Citizens to Shape a Greener Europe appeared first on Fedarene.

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