Why should you join the “Resource-wise & socially just local economies” HUB?   

junio 01, 2022

We cannot continue to aim, at once, for growth and reduce CO2 emissions and resource consumption. We need to rethink what we mean by “prosperity” and “growth”. As a matter of fact, as abundance and unconstrained expansion are no longer possible, we need a way of life that is compatible with planetary boundaries and meets decent living conditions for all. 

Within this brandnew HUB, through alternatives and new narratives, we will inspire cities to rethink local social and economic models based on local resources, while ensuring societal solidarity and equity. This hub that is a space for networking and joint creation, we will focus on: 

  • Sufficiency: to ensure an adequate scale of living by questioning the needs and excessive consumption, make sufficiency desirable by creating wealth and triggering material de-consumption 
  • Circular economy: to bring production closer to consumption, new models of resource management, favor access and performance over ownership of goods, maximise existing assets and resources and the pooling of facilities 
  • Sharing and collaborative local economy: share responsibility for goods and services that promote collective well-being (urban commons), rethink the relationship between offer and demand, exploit and harness new business models leading to a true sharing and collaborative culture across all sectors 
  • Social justice: solidarity and equity is tackled linked to all the three themes above from the perspective of providing decent green jobs, favouring social inclusion, empowering vulnerable citizens and lifting them out of energy poverty  

Concretely, what does it mean for you?  

Through a series of activities that we will provide within this Hub, we will:  

  • Make sure that those of you who subscribe are up-to-date and informed about the latest EU policy developments through policy briefs for local policy makers with key updates on major EU policy files 
  • Organise discussions between local political leaders and key EU policy makers on concrete proposals in support of cities’ climate transition  
  • Help our members build their capacities in order to facilitate their transition journey. We will achieve this with training, coaching, tools and peer-to-peer exchanges  
  • Facilitate our members’ access to EU funding with info sessions, matchmaking events and project ideas labs. We will also run competitive calls for funding on specific topics.  

Ready to join the Hub on resource-wise & socially just local economies?  

As our member, you can join and benefit, free-of-charge, from all the activities of our five Hubs, aligned with our intervention systems and impact targets. By joining our Hubs, you become part of our learning community of local practitioners with different backgrounds and fields of expertise: political representatives, technicians and city officers, all sharing the same vision: reaching climate neutrality by 2050. Interested in the Resource-wise & socially just local economies Hub? Get in touch to register here.   

We launched our Hubs during our Annual Forum in April and we will keep you posted in the coming weeks. 

The post Why should you join the “Resource-wise & socially just local economies” HUB?    appeared first on Energy Cities.

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