Archivo de categorías para "ENERGY CITIES"

We are energy addicts who need rehab

Planet Earth is begging us to respect its boundaries. Some cities are already running out of water, even in wintertime. Energy prices have soared. Urban sprawl is increasing while cities have plenty of vacant buildings. There are relevant supply

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Community-building with coffee beans and roof tops

Everyone has the right and duty to participate in the energy transition. However, not everyone knows well how to go about that. An energy system with strong participation from everyone is still something new to citizens as much as

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Walking on sunshine

Using a cemetery to produce and share solar energy? For some it’s polemic, for some others a pragmatic way of tapping into all available resources. No matter the attitude, this innovative example from Valencia certainly ignited the strongest curiosity

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Missed deadlines and missed goals: why have local authorities been underestimated in the NECP writing process?

In this troubled time following the European elections, let’s not forget that the deadline for the final submission of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) by each Member State (MS) was on 30 June 2024. One year after

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Always look on the bright side…

*This article is based on the Solar Saves stories published on Solar Power Europe’s website. On June 21st, European Solar Day highlights the power and potential of the sun. Two energy cooperatives, Cooperativa de Energia (Romania) and Zelena Energetska

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It’s all in one spot: One-stop-shops

Citizens and businesses may have the motivation to reduce their energy bill or to produce their own electricity. Often enough, though, they don’t know where to start, where to find funding, which technologies to use. The first and best

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Want energy communities? Push the LOOP button!

The recent EU election results may want you to defend democratic energy (and other) initiatives? Inspiration and hope come from cities like Zagreb, Bistrita and from places like Crete in Greece: The local authorities and citizen organisations there are

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From virtual net metering to community agri-PV projects

CommonEN in the North-West of Greece creates local, renewable energy projects, co-designed and co-owned by local people and together with the municipality of Ioannina. It is thus offering a radically realistic vision about the future of energy. Energy sharing

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Grafting Cities 2024: Last opportunity to join us!

Our annual forum will take place on 26 and 27 June during Valencia Cities Climate Week. Find out about our programme and all the side events organised during the week. A tailor-made programme Debate with other municipalities on challenges.

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Match made in heaven: “Once you have it, it’s beautiful”!

Do you sometimes wish your local authority would be better equipped in community energy issues? And as a citizen, do you wish you could better connect with people in the local administrations to co-develop community energy projects? On Monday,

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