Big strategies by small cities
By joining forces, the three Italian municipalities Palma Campania, San Giuseppe Vesuviano and Striano do big steps for actually being small municipalities (a bit more than 56.000 inhabitants all together). In the shadow of their bigger sister Naples, they started their collaboration through the creation of a Shared Office for Sustainability (UCSA). It’s this office which drafted the joint 2030 energy and climate action plan, the PAEC Vesuviano. Unlike the volcano of the same name, the activity of those three towns is constantly at a high level. The most recent initiatives demonstrate that the trio aims for a quick energy transition involving as much as possible its local stakeholders, from the youngest citizens to local entrepreneurs.

Lately, the Southern Italian town proved a high degree of inventiveness
when launching a tendering process that bundles lighting with building
renovations. Having made renewables one of the pillars of their climate and
energy plan, the municipalities plan to set up energy communities to improve
local renewable energy generation while tackling energy poverty.
Lastly, the next generation has been brought on board through the “Circular Economy for Youth” project where the co-design and co-management of new circular services is at the heart of collective action.
Read the full article by Michela Aufiero on the mPower website
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