Collaboration versus competition: promoting a faster, just, and clean energy transition

abril 23, 2024

Meet LIFE LOOP in Brussels: On 12 June from 9:30-11:00 Sara Gollesi from Enostra and Marco Sideri, Mayor of the municipality of Usaramanna will be talking about their city-citizen collaborations around energy community projects.

This session is part of the European Sustainable Energy Week 2024. The objective of the panel is to discuss the pivotal role of local renewable energy initiatives in contributing to net zero solutions fostering a just and faster energy transition. This is especially important now that the EU’s dependence on imported energy sources and implications of this on energy prices have become even more visible in light of the energy crisis. The session will focus on how the active participation of citizens and local governments in the energy market can be empowered through the implementation of the Clean Energy Package and the Fit for 55 Package provisions for energy communities and be impacted by the revised Electricity Market Design and National Energy and Climate Plans. Aligned with the EUSEW’s overarching theme, special attention will be paid to the integration of the business model of energy communities into the energy market and how they may play a part in delivering a cost-efficient and green energy supply, reducing energy poverty and promoting energy security for all. 

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