One-stop-shop for EU funding on sustainable energy at Open days 2015

EASME are organising in partnership with DG REGIO and DG ENER a public workshop on “Financing Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Heating & Cooling” at the Open 2015, in Brussels on 14th October.
One-stop-shop for EU funding on sustainable energy at Open days 2015
Available EU funding schemes in the field of energy efficiency will be discussed together with local and regional authorities during the “’Financing Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Heating and Cooling” public workshop on 14 October 2015.  This reflects the increasing importance for local and regional governments of pooling different sources of funding for sustainable energy investments in buildings, and heating and cooling systems.
Available EU funding schemes in the field of energy efficiency will be discussed together with local and regional authorities during the “’Financing Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Heating and Cooling” public workshop on 14 October 2015.  This reflects the increasing importance for local and regional governments in pooling different sources of funding for sustainable energy investments in buildings, heating and cooling systems.
The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) is organising a public workshop on ‘Financing Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Heating and Cooling’ in partnership with the Directorate-Generals for Regional Policy and for Energy. The event aims at discussing how the available EU programmes and instruments can help cities and regions in  launching large-scale investments in energy efficiency of buildings and in the heating and cooling sector.
The event supports the ‘Modernising Europe’ priority: The regions in the Energy Union and the Single Digital Market. It will take place on 14 October 2015 from 14:30 to 17:00.
The workshop will be followed by a networking cocktail.
Location: Centre A. Borschette, Room 0A, Rue Froissart 36, Brussels
Registrations are centralised via the Open Days 2015’s official website. You can use the following code to find this workshop in the list: 14A10
Enlace a la noticia: One-stop-shop for EU funding on sustainable energy at Open days 2015

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