Workshop: SEAPs & Biomass – an opportunity for municipalities
23 September, Valladolid, Spain
Registration through this link
Objetives -.
In the frame of the European project RES H / C SPREAD which main objective is to develop action pilot plans for the promotion of renewable energies in heating and cooling, in 6 European regions being one of them Castilla y Leon, it is organized this workshop. The workshop is focus on working with local authorities or technicians, interested in Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) and to expose the potential of a local resource such as the biomass for those SEAPs.
The use of biomass means using local resources, close to the end user and in an increasingly efficient way of utilization. This workshop try to show the possibilities of this local renewable energy resource such as biomass and its potential use for the improvement of sustainable local policies. Therefore, it will introduce subject as strategies for its promotion at regional level, the importance of the biomass in a Sustainable Energy Action Plan, the possibilities to finance biomass systems and examples of local authorities who have already opted for biomass as a solution for their local heat demand.
The workshop will have presentations from Castilla y León Government (Regional Energy Agency of Castilla y Leon and General Directorate of Energy and Mines), the European initiative of the EC Covenant of Mayors, the Asturias Government (Asturian Energy Agency) and local entities that show examples of local biomass applications.
Aimed to: municipalities, provincial and other governments, engineering & consulting, professional associations, energy companies, or other interested actors.
Agenda -.
10:30h Welcome and presentation
Regional Energy Agency of Castilla y León (EREN)
Spanish Bioenergy Association (AVEBIOM)
10:40h Strategic Actions development for RES Heating and Cooling in the european Project RES H/C SPREAD
Rafael Ayuste Cupido
Regional Energy Agency of Castilla y León (EREN). Castilla y León Government.
11:00h Local action plans for efficient heating and cooling in the European project STRATEGO
Indalecio González Fernandez
Asturias Regional Energy Agency (FAEN). Asturias Government
11:20h The useful of a SEAP for municipalities. How to do & emission´s inventory.
Miguel Morcillo.
Covenant of Mayor (CoM) of the European Commission. Spanish Covenant Club.
12:20h Possibilities of financing biomass actions by local entities
Mª Jesús García Álvarez.
General Directorate of Energy and Mines. Castilla y León Government.
12:40h Examples of implemented local biomass systems by local entities.
13:00h Questions and end.
Technical visits to local biomass facilities will carry out after the workshop.
Organizers -.
Ente Regional de la Energía de Castilla y León (EREN) and EU project RES H/C SPREAD (, cofinancied by Intelligent Energy Europe Programme and supported by OPEN DAYS 2015.
Collaborators -.
AVEBIOM, European project STRATEGO, Covenant of Mayors.
The sole responsibility of the content of this workshop lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither EASME, nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Enlace a la noticia: Workshop: SEAPs & Biomass – an opportunity for municipalities