Archivo para diciembre, 2017

La ciudadanía vasca respalda las renovables y el gas

El 95% apuesta por desarrollar más energías renovables como la eólica o solar, el 92% está a favor de impulsar el transporte público y un 80% considera que hay que seguir incentivando la compra de vehículos eléctricos El 50%

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Nuevos materiales más resistentes al clima para fabricar aerogeneradores

Investigadores de la Universidad Jaume I de Castellón han desarrollado un tipo de material con una resistencia a la erosión muy superior a los utilizados actualmente en la fabricación de aerogeneradores, así como nuevos recubrimientos también de elevada durabilidad. El

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Una vuelta por el universo de las motos

La moto con la que Marc Márquez ganó el Mundial de MotoGP en 2013, un mono de Ángel Nieto, un valioso triciclo motorizado de 1897, un vehículo eléctrico de dos ruedas y una Vespa para dar un paseo virtual

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Happy holiday season!

The Energy Cities team is taking a well-deserved break! We wish you all a wonderful holiday season We’ll be happy to see you again in 2018 with lots of surprises! Fuente: ENERGY CITIES Enlace a la noticia: Happy

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District heating systems (DHs) are identified as key systems to achieve a de-carbonized supply of heating energy in European Cities, as they allow the efficient integration and balancing of various sources of renewable and waste heat sources with high

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España logra avances en interconexiones eléctricas y autoconsumo

    Titular: España logra avances en interconexiones eléctricas y autoconsumo Subtitular: El Gobierno destaca que la normativa comunitaria ha otorgado al objetivo de interconexiones una importancia similar a los objetivos de renovables y eficiencia energética   España valora positivamente

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A snapshot of national building renovation strategies

  This BPIE briefing provides a snapshot of measures supporting building renovation in selected European Member States as of September 2017 (Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain). These countries also prove that progress in

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Believe it or not, there is a bright future for our homes!

Wow, what a great morning! The sun has risen and Mr Vinters* steps out of his warm bed. Mr Vinters slowly slips in his slippers and walks towards the huge crystal clear window and looks across the backyard. He

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Renewable energy directive vote: No binding targets, but a strong framework for citizen energy

Recently, the Industry, Transport and Energy committee of the European Parliament voted a draft report on the proposed directive for the promotion of renewable energy. Although strong cases had been made for the support of nationally-binding targets, the final

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Members of EU Parliament vote for cities to have voice in national energy planning

Yesterday, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from the energy and environment committees approved a report on the proposed governance of the Energy Union, including a provision that would require Member States to directly involve cities in national energy

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