Archivo de categorías para "ENERGY CITIES"

The EUCityCalc learning programme: design your city’s transition pathway

Would you like to know whether a new policy proposal on public transport will help reduce GHG emissions in your city? Would you need to compare the impact of different green measures to give priority to the most efficient

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Welcome to Develop Athens SA, Pays Basque urban community and Lizzanello

Energy Cities is proud to welcome new members, and we look forward to meeting at our next annual forum in April in Besançon! Athens – A new initiative to tackle energy poverty Develop Athens SAis the strategic development arm

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Energy Cafés: Empowering energy communities in Cyprus

by Natasa Ioannou from Center for Social Innovation Cyprus (CSI) Since the beginning, the work of LIFE LOOP in Cyprus has focused on empowering citizens to reclaim control of their energy and be part of sustainable solutions such as

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What pill against energy poverty?

Did you know that in many places your postal code determines how good or bad your health is? Social inequalities are a reality and low-income people often get to live in low-quality housing. The vicious circle gets “perfect” when

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Green transition leaders, what are your needs?

SPARKLE has finally kicked off, and it’s working to design and produce high-quality courses and events to support local authorities in implementing their energy and ecological transition plans and strategies. To fulfill this mission, we need your help! Take

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Baby I know, that’s that me Espresso

What do Grammy-winner Sabrina Carpenter and Energy Cities have in common? “Baby I know, That’s that me Espresso.” While one produced a mega-hit called “Espresso” (listen here) getting you into an unstoppable summer mood, the other one (us) has

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A 2025 focused on resilience

Cities, towns and villages are faced with increasing crises every day. Floods, forest fires, heat waves and droughts are multiplying, adding on to ongoing (and worsening) housing, economic and health crises. One of the buzzwords you cannot escape in

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Every year, in January – the month of good wishes-, our editorial coincides with the Davos Forum. And every year, the analysis of the risks (See the picture below) we face globally takes on a darker hue. What strikes

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Croatia’s largest community energy project

Great news from LIFE LOOP on the ground: In addition to fresh fruit and vegetables, the City Market in Križevci will soon provide local energy from the Sun! The energy community ZEZ Sunce has just signed a contract for

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A climate assembly for your city’s administration? Inspirations from Lyon

Citizen assemblies are a powerful tool for engaging diverse populations in democratic decision-making. Lyon has taken this model to new heights with an innovative twist: applying the citizen assembly model to engage its own municipal workforce. The Citizen’s Climate

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