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Good news: European Energy Communities Facility launched
The Energy Communities Facility is a new initiative launched to empower and support emerging energy communities across Europe, providing them with the tools they need to thrive. Through lump sum grants and tailored capacity-building efforts, this initiative will help
Back to school: join the accreditation scheme!
Your back at your civil servant desk, but you may still have some fine sand in your sandals or at least plenty of sunny memories of your holidays in your head. Now, it’s time to get back to school
Citizens’ engagement for effective food strategies
How can we support a short production and distribution food line? How can we encourage fairer and healthier food consumption? As guests of the last TANDEM webinar, some representatives of French and German institutions and local authorities shared ideas
Ads-free streets: let’s give public space back to citizens
If we have regulations for tobacco and alcohol ads, why don’t we have one to limit the promotion of fossil fuel products and services? Why cover our buildings with huge billboards encouraging us to buy goods produced far away
Citizens’ Assemblies: no one said it was easy, but it’s worth it
As recent elections throughout Europe sound the alarm on the urgency to protect and defend democracy, it’s become increasingly important to go rethink how we govern, going back to the core: involving citizens in decision-making. A good way to
Decarbonising cities for a sustainable Europe
Did you know that heating and cooling account 50% of Europe’s energy demand and 80% of household energy consumption? Energy Cities’ Annual Forum, held in Valencia at end of June, was a great opportunity to delve into heating and
We are energy addicts who need rehab
Planet Earth is begging us to respect its boundaries. Some cities are already running out of water, even in wintertime. Energy prices have soared. Urban sprawl is increasing while cities have plenty of vacant buildings. There are relevant supply
Community-building with coffee beans and roof tops
Everyone has the right and duty to participate in the energy transition. However, not everyone knows well how to go about that. An energy system with strong participation from everyone is still something new to citizens as much as
Walking on sunshine
Using a cemetery to produce and share solar energy? For some it’s polemic, for some others a pragmatic way of tapping into all available resources. No matter the attitude, this innovative example from Valencia certainly ignited the strongest curiosity
Missed deadlines and missed goals: why have local authorities been underestimated in the NECP writing process?
In this troubled time following the European elections, let’s not forget that the deadline for the final submission of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) by each Member State (MS) was on 30 June 2024. One year after