Archivo de categorías para "FEDARENE"

Vote for Tipperary Energy Agency’s deep retrofit at the Irish Engineering Endeavour of 2022 Award!

Tipperary Energy Agency’s work on the Lahinch Leisure Centre has been nominated for a prestigious engineering award. You can now vote for their project to win the award. FEDARENE is the premier European network of regional and local organisations

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Green Hysland Workshop in Gran Canaria: Exchange on green hydrogen and island systems

On 28 November, FEDARENE and the Canary Islands Institute of Technology (ITC) invited several partners of the Green Hysland project to exchange on the sustainable integration of green hydrogen in island electrical systems. FEDARENE is the premier European network

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ConnectHeat project launches to unlock the potential of Energy Communities

The ConnectHeat project will build and improve public authorities’ capacity to determine and establish local energy communities, with a view towards boosting the energy transition in the heating and cooling sector. FEDARENE is the premier European network of regional

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Calls open for EUSEW 2023 in the framework of the EU year of skills!

Take the opportunity to join the clean energy transition community in this annual forum of the key professionals and stakeholders of the field! FEDARENE is the premier European network of regional and local organisations which implement, co-ordinate and facilitate

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Calls open for EUSEW 2023 (20-22 June) in the framework of the EU year of skills!

Take the opportunity to join the clean energy transition community in this annual forum of the key professionals and stakeholders of the field FEDARENE is the premier European network of regional and local organisations which implement, co-ordinate and facilitate

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Model regions for climate adaptation in Lower Austria

In response to the rapidly changing climate, the KLAR! Programme services municipalities in Lower Austria with support that enables model regions throughout the nation to develop and implement tailor-made adaptation concepts. FEDARENE is the premier European network of regional

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Study tours to three islands

Three unique study tours to different islands around Europe present the opportunity to develop professional knowledge and networks. FEDARENE is the premier European network of regional and local organisations which implement, co-ordinate and facilitate energy and environment policies.

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Tipperary energy agency, Technological University of the Shannon, and Tipperary county council meet to support Climate Leaders

The Remarkable Climate Leaders talk with Dr Darren Barry, Senior Project Officer in Climate Adaptation from Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands and Midwest, about climate leadership in Ireland. FEDARENE is the premier European network of regional and local

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Opengela at the Committee of the Regions for its final conference

In 3,5 years, Opengela has set offices in Otxarkoaga (Bilbao) and Txonta (Eibar). They helped nearly 800 people in the refurbishment of their buildings. Discover the other results of Opengela in the presentations during the final event. FEDARENE is

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How energy performance certificates support the deep renovation

QualDeEPC has had its final conference on how Energy Performance Certification can support the deep renovation. Read more about the conclusions in this article. FEDARENE is the premier European network of regional and local organisations which implement, co-ordinate and

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