Archivo de categorías para "FEDARENE"

Reinhard Six

Reinhard has worked through his entire career in the field of energy efficiency. In 2009, Reinhard joined the European Investment Bank. From 2016 until his retirement in 2022, Reinhard managed the ELENA Facility and has led a team which

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Primož Praper

In the last two decades, Primož Praper has worked extensively with public educational institutions, municipalities and the private sector in Slovenia, offering state-of-the-art advice, guidance and leadership in the area of sustainable construction, retrofitting and other types of investment

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Joerg Lorenz

Joerg Lorenz is the founder of the association “green with IT Berlin-Brandenburg”. His work focuses on energy efficiency and IT processes and has contributed to numerous EU projected to deliver his vision. The post Joerg Lorenz appeared first on

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Jane Kruse

Jane is the co-founder and current director of the Nordic Folkecenter, a showcase for passive house buildings, LED light projects, solar cooking, electric transportation solutions, domestic waste water treatment and recycling, and many other things. The post Jane Kruse

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Esther Hardi

Esther Hardi worked as innovation manager at the grid operator Alliander, created her own company SDG Energy, which devotes itself to the energy transition and meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals for the business and energy sector, and is

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Anne Girault

Anne Girault has led a consulting career for over 35 years working with local authorities and public sector in the field of energy, environment, and sustainable development. In 2010, at the initiative of the City of Paris, she created

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Lina Gellermark

Lina Gellermark is the director of Mälardalen Energy Agency Deputy Chairman of the Board of Energikontoren Sverige. er determined efforts have driven the development of inter-organizational systems, structures, and networks throughout the country, which has strengthened the collaborative efforts

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Noel Formosa

Noel Formosa has been the Mayor of San Lawrenz, Malta, since 1994. He has launched and implemented various initiatives related to energy efficiency and sustainability in the municipality as well as on a regional level in the island of

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Johan Eggers

Johan Eggers is one of the founders of Maakbaar Leuven, the movement that aims to tackle the increasing amount of waste from electrical and electronic equipment by scaling up citizen repair initiatives and using digital tools. He is also

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Serge Despeyroux

Serge has been fighting for the energy transition since the 1990s. He had a huge impact on energy management and renewable energy sources in households, communities and industries through his involvement in Quercy Energies. The post Serge Despeyroux appeared

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