Archivo de categorías para "FEDARENE"

ESCAN SL chairs the Smart Metering Session at the EUW

For the fourth consecutive year, Escan SL chairs the smart metering table at the European Utility Week 2019, held from 12 to 14 November in Paris (France). The EUW continues to be the European reference event for energy companies.

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EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2020!

The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) will be back for its 15th edition on 23-24-25 June 2020! The EUSEW is a month-long series of activities to build a secure energy future for Europe. It brings together public authorities, private

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RELaTED concept was presented at the X edition of IAQVEC

The attendees of the 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC) had the opportunity to know more about the decentralized and renewable ultra-low temperature district heating concept that proposes the RELaTED project.

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The Energy Efficiency Work Programme for 2020 has just been published!

Almost €120m will be available for energy efficiency projects in the new Work Programme 2020 under the areas of ‘Buildings in Energy Transition’ and ‘Smart and Clean Energy for Consumers’. There will be two deadlines in 2020 for the

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C-Track 50 promoting multi-level stakeholder involvement for a successful energy transition in cities and regions

What way forward for European regions and cities in the energy transition towards a climate neutral Europe by 2050? This question took centre stage during the C-Track 50 high level even on “Implementing the Paris Agreement: EU cities and regions

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Turning your Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan into a Strategic Investment Plan [report]

On 9th of October, in the framework of the EU Week of Regions and Cities, the H2020 PROSPECT project and the Covenant of Mayors Office jointly organised an event with the support of the Caisse des Dépots et Consignations.

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EUFORES workshop “Clean energy for all Europeans and national energy and climate plans: renewable energy perspectives in Croatia”

The workshop presents the current situation of renewable energy in Croatia and the preparation state of the national energy and climate plan. A workshop entitled “Clean Energy for All Europeans and National Energy and Climate Plans: Renewable Energy Perspectives

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Clean energy for all Europeans and national energy and climate plans: RES perspectives in Croatia

EUFORES workshop “Clean energy for all Europeans and national energy and climate plans: RES perspectives in Croatia”   The workshop presents the current situation of renewable energy in Croatia and the preparation state of the national energy and climate

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Final Conference of the Interreg MED project ENERJ

The final conference of ENERJ on September 11 in Thessaloniki brought together the partners of this Interreg MED project with a group of national and international experts to review the results obtained and put them into the larger perspective

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Regions and cities co-creating national energy and climate action plans

During the 17th European Week of Regions and Cities, the Covenant of Mayors Office organized the event entitled “Regions and cities co-creating national energy and climate action plans” (Brussels, 9th October 2019). Claire Roumet (Energy Cities) moderated a panel

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