Archivo de categorías para "FEDARENE"

Energy Efficiency Watch – 28 country reports

Through an EU-wide survey with efficiency experts from all Member States, intense document screenings and a business stakeholder consultation, 28 country reports have been developed. The reports analyse the situation and legal background in each Member State while combining

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Energy Efficiency Watch – Key Policy Conclusions

The findings of various research activities are condensed and translated into strategic policy conclusions. The document builds a strong basis for further discussion with stakeholders and decision makers. Fuente: FEDARENE Enlace a la noticia: Energy Efficiency Watch –

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E-Mobility Works – Brochure

Fuente: FEDARENE Enlace a la noticia: E-Mobility Works – Brochure

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National depiction of service process

Fuente: FEDARENE Enlace a la noticia: National depiction of service process

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The specific objectives of the project are to: a) Assess and learn from existing Energy Efficiency policy implementation practices in EU member states, regions and cities. b) Strengthen networking opportunities for public agencies on the national, regional and local

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World Sustainable Energy Days 2016 – review

. The World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED), one of Europe’s largest annual conferences in this field, offered a unique combination of events on sustainable energy. The 2016 conference, which was held from 24 – 26 February in Wels/Austria, attracted

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NZEB Red Cross office – refurbished with EPC, Wels

The district office of the Red Cross serves an area of around 500 Km2. Built in 1992, the building was poorly insulated. In 2014, a deep renovation and thermal refurbishment of the building was implemented and financed through energy

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New NZEB recycling centre, Wels

The “Environment and Safety Center Wels North” (UMZ) was built in 2013. It covers an area of around 9,000m2, with a recycling centre, a second-hand shop and a fire station in one building. The center serves about 20,000 households.

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Regional/National Funding Sources for street lighting refurbishment using EPC

Old street lighting systems can account for 30-50% of municipalities’ total electricity consumption. Yet, current technologies offer 30-70% energy savings potentials. These savings potentials have been recognised and incorporated into European policies: EU Regulation 245/2009 sets phasing out requirements

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Roger Léron Award 2016 – nominate by 31st March!

    2nd edition Acknowledging a long-standing overall contribution to sustainable energy at the regional and/or local level in Europe . The Roger Léron Award aims to acknowledge a long-standing overall contribution to sustainable energy (not a single project)  at the

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