Archivo de categorías para "FEDARENE"

3rd Green Hysland Workshop: Investigating the Potential of Hydrogen Valleys 

On 5 October 2023, the Green Hysland project hosted its 3rd workshop, «Setting up Hydrogen Valleys in Europe,» on Vlieland Island in Fryslân, NL. From Vlieland to Europe, this event explored transformative strategies in Hydrogen Valley development engaged through

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ManagEnergy Expert Mission #2: Business model development for long-lasting community support

On 18-20 October, ManagEnergy Expert Francisco Puente (ESCAN Energy Consulting) visited the Valencia Climate and Energy Foundation. On the agenda: Strategic business development, long-term financial stability, financing mechanisms. FEDARENE is the premier European network of regional and local organisations

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The Covenant of Mayors is 15 years old!

As the 15-year anniversary of the Covenant of Mayors – Europe is approaching, it is time to reflect on the accomplishments of cities, regions and energy agencies in the past years and anticipate their pivotal role in shaping a

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ManagEnergy Master Class #2: deep dive on Financial Instruments

24 staff from local and regional energy agencies and public authorities joined the Class to gain knowledge on innovative financing instruments available to support their climate and energy projects. FEDARENE is the premier European network of regional and local

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The 8th Call For The European Climate Initiative (EUKI)

Are you interested in European Climate Initiative (EUKI) funding? The 8th EUKI call for project ideas is expected to start in November 2023. Read the financing information on the last call for project ideas to get an overview. Eligible

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Get ready for the LIFE EUCF Call

Dates for the Sixth call for applications of the EU City Facility (EUCF) have been announced: 15 January to 15 March. Get ready to apply for a chance to receive the €60,000 grant. FEDARENE is the premier European network

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The PROSPECT+ participatory lab at the EU Regions Week 2023

On 12 October 2023, PROSPECT+ in collaboration with the Covenant of Mayors Office, Smart Cities Marketplace, and Managenergy organised a participatory lab about financing for the local energy transition. FEDARENE is the premier European network of regional and local

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Energy Agency of Plovdiv wins National Energy Globe Award for 2023

Plovdiv’s Energy Agency secured the prestigious National Energy Globe Award 2023 for their innovative POWERTY project. Generating 14MWh/year and 8.6MWh/year respectively, these installations, equipped with advanced technologies, promote self-consumption and reduce electricity bills. FEDARENE is the premier European network

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IN-PLAN training opportunity: Integrated Energy, Climate and Spatial planning

New opportunity for employees of Energy, Climate, and Development Agencies to upskill on Spatial Planning and Leadership. Apply by October 31st! FEDARENE is the premier European network of regional and local organisations which implement, co-ordinate and facilitate energy and

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Launch of EU Peers – Community of Practice for Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS)

EU Peers is a project that aims to support the development and promotion of Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) as key tools for accelerating residential energy renovation in the European Union. EU Peers plans to create a European Community

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